Solar & Battery Regulation & Incentive Programs

Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency Standards

Program Overview

Regulatory Policy
Program Type:
Appliance/Equipment Efficiency Standards
Implementing Sector:
New York
Eligible Storage Technologies:
Other EE, Pool Pumps
Equipment Requirements:
Specified in Standards
Test Methods:
To be determined
Certification Requirements:
To be determined
Not specified
Implementing Agency:
New York Secretary of State
Last Updated:


Note: The federal government has imposed and updated appliance efficiency standards through several legislative acts,* and now has standards in place or under development for 30 classes of products. In general, states which had set standards prior to federal action may enforce their own standards until the federal standards take effect. States that had not set standards prior to federal action must use the federal standards. This summary addresses (1) state appliance standards that will be in place until the federal standards take effect and (2) products for which the federal government is not currently developing an efficiency standard. Much of the information in this summary comes from the Appliance Standards Awareness Project (ASAP). Visit the ASAP web site for comprehensive information about appliance standards.

New York appliance efficiency standards legislation, enacted in 2005, covers the following products offered for sale in New York not preempted by federal standards as of August 2011:

  1. Consumer audio and video products
  2. Digital television adapters
  3. Commercial hot food holding cabinets
  4. Portable electric spas
  5. Residential pool pumps
  6. Bottle-type water dispensers
  7. Portable light fixtures

For consumer audio and video products and digital television adapters, the New York legislation requires the Department of State in consultation with New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to develop standards by June 30, 2006 and to implement such standards no sooner than six months after issuing final rules. Temporary emergency rules were adopted and renewed several times during 2006 and 2007 but have since expired and not been renewed. 

Efficiency requirements for the remaining products were adopted by legislation in 2010. The legislation required the Department of State in consultation with NYSERDA to develop regulations by December 31, 2010. As of June 2015, no such regulations have been adopted. 

New York law also allows the Secretary of State, in consultation with NYSERDA, to add additional products to the list. Any new products added to the list must be commercially available, cost effective on a life-cycle basis, and not covered under existing federal standards.

Appliance standards for State procurement

New York State law also requires that State facilities must purchase equipment and appliances that meet minimum efficiency standards established by NYSERDA. Energy efficiency standards are provided for equipment including lighting, HVAC systems, electric motors, and other appliances. 

* These acts include the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act of 1987, the Energy Policy Act of 1992, the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007.